Winn Dixie The meal deal $13.98.
2 pizza, 1 tyson any tizors, 2-liter, ice cream and bread
2 pizza couons $1/1
1 1.00 tyson chicken anytizers
=10.98 for each meal so all this for $21.96.

Target deals
4 Campbells Select Harvest soup 1.50
$1/1 mysweetsavings.com
0.50/1 target coupon
4 Kellogg's pop-tarts 1.88
2 $1/2 target coupons
4 0.55/1 manf. coupon tearpad
= $3.32 for 4
4 sobe water 10/10
2 BOGO from sobe.com
4 0.50/1 target coupons
10 Clean $ Clear Morning Burst trial size 0.97
10 $1/1 any clean & clear 8/1 SS
2 St. Ives trial size 0.97
$1/1 manf. coupon
8 Shout wipes 0.97
4 $2/2 any shout wipes 8/8 SS
2 Snyder's Pretzel 3.29
$1/1 manf. coupon 7/25 SS
=2.29 and they had some coupons inside them also.
8 Spaghettio's 0.50
4 0.50/2 coupons from mysweetsavings.com
= 0.25 a can = $2.00
3 Sponge Bob Act mouthwash 2.99
0.50/1 Target coupon
$1/1 coupons.com
=4.47/3 1.49 each great for act mouthwash
1 Neutrogena concealer $6.39
$3/1 target.com
$3/1 All You magz.
2 Veet 4.84 each
2 $3.00/1 Target.com
2 3.00/1 manf.
=Free plus $2.32 in overage how cool is that
1 Target dryer sheets 1.37
no coupons
6 Kraft mac & cheese 1.00
2 B2G1 free coupons from online
= 4.00/6
2 Fructis shampoo on clerance for 2.54 and on the bottle it had a 1.00/1 coupon on it
=1.54 each 3.08/2
2 bags animal crckr 1.00
no coupons
=2.00 for kids class
3 kids toys 1.00 each had kids with me
1 waste basket on sale 13.28
1 10.00/1 target bath coupon I got couple weeks back target.com
1 Towel Bar 11.98
1 10.00 target coupon
= $1.98
1 towel ring 11.18
1 $10.00 target coupon
= 1.18
1 TP holder 11.88
1 $10.00 target coupon
= 1.88
1 TP holder 9.99
1 $5.00 target coupon
1 Towel Bar 12.58
1 5.00 target coupon
= $2.58
Total for everything $49.24 saved $121.10 and was able to redo 2 bathrooms for $15.89. I am jumping up and down right now....

2 kellogg's pop tarts 2/$5.00
2/0.55 tearpad coupon
=3.90 and $2 RR
Breath right strips 11.99
$4/1 in-ad coupon
2.50/1 manf. coupon
= 5.49 have to have this
schick hydro 5 7.99 =$2 RR
$5/1 8/8 SS
=2.99 get $2 RR
Shave Cream 1.99
free wyb schick razor coupon
= free
3 twix 0.53
used $2 rr from last trip
total was $14.39

4 John Frieda when you spend 15.00 you get $5 ECB love this
4 $3/1 8/22 SS
= $8.00/4 got a $5.00 ECB
Mentos BOGO 1.79
2/0.55 coupons
used $5.00 ECB
Total was 5.22 and got another $5.00 ECB
2nd purchase
2 Act mouthwash 3.49 each
used my $5.00 ECB from above
total was $2.47